How to create Fake credit cards for free and use them to get free trials – Get premium accounts for free using Fake Credit cards
Why use Fake credit cards?
We live in a world where your information could be compromised and used against you. For example, if someone gets to know your credit card numbers, they can authorize a purchase using your credit card without your consent. But just like we created a temporary disposable email in another tutorial, we can also create fake credit cards and use them to sign up and get free trials from various websites. You may be wondering if this is even possible, but trust me it is.
So how do we generate Fake Credit Cards?
We use BINS. Ok, what are BINS(Bank Identification Number)? Just like all the phone numbers in your country must start with a specific code, Credit cards also have a specific code depending on their manufacturer. BINS are the initial four to six digits on a credit card. If we know the BIN of a certain Credit Card Manufacturer, we can generate fake Credit Card Details and use them to access free premium trials.
How BINS Work
Different websites will accept different BINS. This means that the BIN that you use to get Netflix Free Trial may not work on Amazon Prime Video, or Canva or Skillshare. In order to create a working credit card, you need to know the BIN that works on specific websites. You can check out our articles on “How to get Canva Pro for Free” and “How to get VidIQ for Free” to get working BINS for those websites. If you need us to provide a BIN for a certain website, leave a comment below.
How to Generate Fake Credit Cards using BINS
To generate fake credit cards, we will need two websites. One is the credit card generator and the other is the credit card verifiers. I’ll take you step by step
Credit Card Generator
This is the website that you’ll use to generate credit card details from BINS. As we said earlier, BINS Are the first four to six digits on a credit card number. In order to generate fake cards, we need to:
- Go to credit card generator website. There are several available websites, but I personally use Namso gen and CCgen and they do a pretty good work. You can use any of them or any other that you may have.
- Enter the BIN for the website we want to use the credit card in. As we said, some BINS will work on some webistes and not others so you need to find a BIN that works for the website you want to enter the credit card details.(BINS for Canva and Vid IQ)
- Click the Generate Button to generate as many credit card details as you want. Namso gen and CCgen will allow you to chose other options such as expiry date. We are not going to use that feature today.
Once you generated your credit cards, it is time to verify which credit cards are working. To do this, we will use a Credit Card Verifier
Credit Card Verifiers
Some websites will accept the credit card details generated above without any verification. However, for some websites, you need to verify which credit card details are working from the list of generated numbers. To verify live/working credit card numbers, follow these simple steps;
- Copy the details that you generated from Namso gen or CCgen, which ever one you chose above.
- Go to Credit card verification website. We are going to use MR Checker as I have used it before and it provides good services. Feel free to use any other verification website you may have, but at least check their reviews before deciding to use it.
- Paste the credit card Details you copied from step one and click on verify
- Wait between 20 seconds to one minute . MR Checker will classify the credit card details into two categories, Live Numbers and Dead Numbers.
- You can now guess which credit cards to use. Pick one of the live numbers and use the details to complete your Payment(Hahaha…the card has zero balance, but you can get free trials using this card. Some Websites like Netflix noted this and started charging a small amount from the credit card to ensure the card is a real card. But apart from Watching movies, you can use Bins to get free trials from websites like Canva, Skillshare, VidIQ, and many more
You have successfully generated a working credit card number. What BIN do you want me to provide?
Leave a comment below.
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And just so you know, I appreciate that you have come till here, check out some of my other tricks. You’ll love them. Till next time
can i get the bins for streamyard?